Git Pre-Commit Hooks for Linting and Styling SQL Codes
Git hooks are a simple, easy way to do small local scripting to improve code quality and readability. Using consistent git hooks across projects can reduce the load on CI/CD pro...
Passing Local Enviornment Variables to Docker Build Process and Containers
Any data scientist or machine learning interested in developing production deployable models need to understand Docker. Docker is one of the most important tools for DevOps that...
Automate AWS EC2 Spot Instance Creation
Automate Spot Instance Creation One of the major pain points for me to work with AWS is the time that I need to spend every day trying to provision an EC2 Spot Instance. While, ...
Improving OCR Performance on Noisy Images
Extracting text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) has enormous applications across almost all industries. A robust, scalable OCR solution is an integral par...